Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Assignment 4 - Photo to Emulate

Joyce Tenneson

Two med soft boxes on the side, small soft box over the camera.  Small soft box 2 stops brighter than side lights

Assignment 3 - Photo to Emulate

Irving Penn
Medium reflector with black flag on left, also flagged the light

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Assignment 2 _ Photo to Emulate

Richard Learoyd
ISO 100 F2.8 1/125 85mm
Lighting Diagram -ring flash + octabank

ISO 100 F2.8 1/125 85mm

Joyce Tenneson
Lighting - 2 large soft boxes on either side of the model, 1 large soft box over the lens -
desatruate photo in photoshop

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Assignment 1 - Photo to Emulate

Richard Learoyd

Lighting Diagram

Ring flash w/ bank slightly feathered with a black flag cutting light from the bank on the right side
Ringflash 1.8 - Bank 3.6
Exposure ISO160 f4 @ 1/125

Same exposure as above.  The bank is more feathered.